Common queries about order payments or refunds:
Whether any discounts or offers available before I pay for the order?
Live offers are usually available on the website product pages or deal pages for single quantity orders as per sale events, apart from this, you can get bulk order discount offers available on select product pages for more than 1 quantity.
Whether cash on delivery payment option is available?
We've temporarily disabled Cash On Delivery (COD) or Pay on Delivery to help you save cash for essential payments. Apart from this, it helps us to offer more offers on prepaid payments which allows for faster order processing, timely delivery,and easier refunds along with various EMI options.
What are the online payment options like cards etc?
We have various options for your convenience such as:
Card payments from Mastercard, Visa, Rupay, Amex.
EMI payments from Hdfc, Axis, Kotak, Icici, Zest, Walnut 369 and many more.
E-wallet payments from Paytm, Phonepe, AmazonPay, JioPay, OlaMoney etc.
PayLater Options from Icici pay-later etc.
Net Banking from Hdfc, Axis, and many more banks.
UPI payments from Gpay, Paytm, phonepe, Bhim etc.
Whether you have any EMI options available?
Yes, we do have various EMI options with best Interest rates as per market from:
Zest Money ( cardless).
Walnut 369 (cardless, only PAN required).
Early Salary ( cardless).
Card Less EMI from HDFC, ICICI, and BOB.
Debit card and Credit card-based EMI options.
Whether you have any card or digital wallet-based offers?
Yes, occasionally we do have various Wallet based cashback or instant discount offers from:
Amazon Pay.
Ola Money.
Airtel Money.
What to do, if my order payment appears pending even after payment is deducted??
Firstly don't worry, as all your payments are done via a secured payments system. If any deduction happened and the order is appearing as canceled or pending, then it may be due to unusual technical issues that happen once a year rarely. In that case, just use contact us via WhatsApp to get quick help in normal work hours as per this contact page.
What to do, if my offer on the payment page is not applied?
Such incidents are rare as they may happen due to technical issues on the payment system or you may have tried to use invalid offers as per the offer terms. In such cases, we advise you to place a new order and retry, if the same problem persists, then please share its error snapshot with problem details over WhatsApp support: contact page.
Where can I find the Invoice for my order?
We advise you to check your order-related emails or your orders account page to get your invoice after the order is shipped. For B2B related invoices or tax benefits, you can surely connect us if required. Apart from this, If you still need more help then feel free to connect us via WhatsApp support: contact page.
What to do if I can't do an online payment, and want your product also?
Usually, people get help from their friends or family by using their net banking or cards, If they don't have that, then we serve such orders by accepting payments into our receiving bank accounts, whose details will be shared with you via our WhatsApp support (if you ask for it). Apart from this, If you still need more help then feel free to connect us via WhatsApp support: contact page.
How to save more when paying for an online order?
Usually, people use already visible offers on the payment page after checkout such as cashback, instant discounts, No-cost EMI,etc ,OR get some live coupons from google of our ongoing offers. Apart from this, If you still need more help then feel free to connect us via WhatsApp support: contact page.
What to do if my order refund is not yet received?
Such incidents are rare as they may happen due to technical issues on the payment system or your refund approval might be pending from the customer service team. In such cases, we advise you to connect to our WhatsApp support: contact page.
What to do if my original payment mode is not active for receiving a refund?
Usually in such cases, we do have another way to process refunds via payout links which can help you receive money into another account of yours, which needs explicit approvals from the customer service team. we advise you to connect our WhatsApp support for more details: contact page.
How to change my payment mode from COD to prepaid?
There is no direct option to do that. However after an order is placed, you can ask for its cancellations from website chat if it's not yet shipped. In parallel you can place a new prepaid order. If you need any help with that, feel free to connect via Contact form
What to do, if my refund is not reflected on my original payment mode: Paytm?
Such incidents are rare as they may happen due to technical issues on the payment system. In such cases, we advise to check your email for any emails from Razorpay or Paytm if any, then please share that problem details over WhatsApp support to get help for your refund: contact page.
Last updated