
Do you have similar questions about your order Refund?

  • What to do, if I want a refund before giving a return or while it's return pickup?

  • How I will receive my refund?

  • How to get a refund, if I'm unsatisfied with the product?

How to get Refund of my order?

Ask customer care to raise your order refund request(internally) via the Contact form. use the relevant communication considering the available support times.

What cases allow Refunds?

Here are more details applicable to refund requests:

- Your refund will be approved depending on the returned item condition or customer care investigation based on your problem photos and videos.

- As per the item condition, you will be either given 50% refund of item value or 100% refund of item value.

- Item value will be taken from your order Invoice irrespective of its current price on any sales channel.

- If your refund is approved, we will initiate a refund to your original source of payment), and for cod, Cellbell wallet refund will be given.

- We refund the amount within 7 calendar days from the refund approval date.

- Like any real-world transaction, a refund happens for item value, not the logistic charges. Even if order is done with free shipping promotional offer, logistics charges do apply for forward and reverse logistics. If the fault is in the product, then the company bears the logistics, or in rare cases, those charges are applied as deductions on the customer refund amount. If those deductions are not applied to your case, then it means they are given as a promotional offer to those orders.

Last updated